MagicAqua - Wasserklangbilder - Wasserklangfotografie - Chladnische Figuren
MagicAqua - Wasserklangbilder - Wasserklangfotografie - Chladnische Figuren
MagicAqua - Wasserklangbilder - Wasserklangfotografie - Chladnische Figuren

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MagicAqua - Wasserklangbilder - Wasserklangfotografie - Chladnische Figuren
MagicAqua - Wasserklangbilder - Wasserklangfotografie - Chladnische Figuren
MagicAqua - Wasserklangbilder - Wasserklangfotografie - Chladnische Figuren

MagicAqua ~ Watersoundimages "standing waves" created by single frequencies


These images show "standing waves" which are created by using a signalgenerator. Here you see the most clear "chladni figures". Single frequencies are absolute pure sounds without overtunes like they appear at music or voices.


I use different sizes of water bowls so it might happen that a similar figure occurs at different frequencies. It´s the combination of the size of the waterbowl the amount of water and the amplitude of the frequency which make the images occur on the surface of the water.



 Some of my images you can order in my SHOP >> 

Cymatic pattern at 36,14 Hz plus flower of life to show the geometry

Cymatic pattern at 36,14 Hz plus flower of life to show the geometry

Scale tones ( Diapason A 432 Hz)

© Michael Memminger MagicAqua all rights reserved | Watersoundimages - Watersoundmovies - Water - Watersoundphotography - Water Sound Photography - Chladni Figures - Cymatics

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